Our Philosophy
My Background
I have thought about education perhaps my entire life. My sister and I used to play school with our stuffed animals all the time. (As children of the 90's, there were a lot of Anne Frank stickers involved.) I learned what homeschooling was at the age of 10 and decided I was going to homeschool my children someday. I graduated high school thinking it would be fun to be a Spanish teacher, so much so I had saved a bunch of my favorite projects to refer back to. I got a bachelor's degree in education, specializing in all-level art and Spanish. Since then I've worked at a Head Start preschool program, taught art and Spanish at a charter school, planned and taught art camp, taught English on mission trips to Mexico and Ukraine, been an after school nanny, visited numerous alternative education (Montessori, Sudbury, Waldorf, etc.) day cares and preschools, done in home day care, and been a stay-at-home mom.
The Problem
These experiences have shaped my views and beliefs regarding education, early childhood, and parenting. I have been bothered by these generally consistent issues in early childhood education:
- High teacher to student ratios = lack of individual attention
- Herding of large student groups
- Ignoring the mental and spiritual health of the child
- Unhealthy school foods
- Physical activity seen as a recess from real learning and, therefore, unnecessary
- Children taught to copy, not create
- Children taught to blindly obey, not critically think and problem solve
- Outdoors viewed as a venue for recess only
- Lack of communication with parent
Our Solution
Becoming a parent forced me to develop a solution to these issues. I did not want my daughter in full-time day care, as I had known day care to be. I tried managing my pet service business while staying home with my first daughter but realized quickly that was too difficult to balance. I was also saddened by her lack of interaction with her peers. For that reason, I opened an in-home day care in Austin. That was serving my daughter's needs well, but we decided in 2016 that it was time to move to the Metroplex. I was pregnant at the time, hence the delay in Libelula Spanish School's opening, but I am happy to be starting this up again for the sake of my own daughters.
I have designed our school to address the aforementioned issues. Our house provides the perfect setting for a small group of children to feel at home playing, learning, socializing, and experiencing early childhood as it was meant to be experienced. We educate the WHOLE child by:
I have designed our school to address the aforementioned issues. Our house provides the perfect setting for a small group of children to feel at home playing, learning, socializing, and experiencing early childhood as it was meant to be experienced. We educate the WHOLE child by:
- Academic- Short Circle Time, planned curriculum, table activity to teach fine motor skills, emphasis on the acquisition of the Spanish language
- Physical- Gross motor skill activity planned daily, outside time regardless of weather, active indoor play to replace outdoor play during severe weather conditions
- Mental/Spiritual Wellness- Low ratios for more individual attention, Christian teacher, extended nap time optional, daily opportunities for free, creative, unstructured play
- Life Skills- Teacher assists students in social problem solving, tooth brushing after breakfast, frequent hand washing, students taught to clean up after themselves
- Nutrition- Healthy meals provided, emphasis on whole wheat products, fruit and/or vegetable served with every meal
Our Guiding Principles
Our school operates under the following beliefs and principles which guide adult and child interactions and curriculum content and presentation:
- Be the "Guide on the Side"- We teachers guide students toward creative ideas, social problem solving, and language acquisition. Circle Time is the only part of the day in which content is presented in a more "traditional" educational setting. Otherwise, teachers provide the proper resources for students to "work" and plant seeds for imaginative play and creative solutions.
- Just Add Imagination- The "toys" offered to students of Libélula Spanish School are intentionally simple. Stuffed animals, blocks, figurines, blankets... These items require "work" from the student. Only the baby/toddler program has toys which light up and make sound when buttons are pressed since they are still developing the most basic fine motor skills.
- Let Them Fail- Our students are presented with activities which do have a right answer (such as puzzles, matching games, etc.). Teachers do not automatically swoop in to rescue a student who is struggling with an activity. Guidance and suggestions will be offered, but the struggle builds character and critical thinking, so we allow the student to work through the problem himself/herself.
- Use the Outdoor Classroom- On beautiful days, there is no reason to stay inside! We go outside as much as possible, even for lessons and snack times. Fresh air and natural settings stimulate our imaginations, even as adults.
- Use Your 5 Senses- When did education become so purely cognitive? Our bodies and minds work together to experience the world around us by using ALL 5 senses. For language acquisition, it is especially important to be able to touch and taste and smell that apple while you learn the word "manzana."
- Empowerment of the Individual- Young children generally cannot diagnose and voice their problems accurately. Teachers help students determine the true cause of their angst, brainstorm solutions to the problem, and encourage them to employ a solution. We also utilize "I" statements to encourage accuracy and empathy, as well as positive affirmations which empower them as individuals.
Our Thanks
If you have read through my philosophy page and made it to the end, thank you! I appreciate you caring enough about your child's care and education to research me and my school so thoroughly. Parenting is, by far, the most difficult job in the world and choosing your child's care provider one of the most important decisions. Thank you for considering Libélula Spanish School!